What are Scheduling Links?
Scheduling links are your own customized URLs you can send to others to schedule meetings with you.
You can create a variety of different links, each with different preferences and settings, customized for different occasions. For example, people can use one of your links to schedule lunch with you and a different link for booking a product demo.
Setting Up Your "Default" Scheduling Link
The first link you set up will be your "default" link, and all your other link URLs will extend on this URL. For example, Arrangr user John Doe might set his default link to be arrangr.com/john-doe, and then set up additional links such as: arrangr.com/john-doe/lunch or arrangr.com/john-doe/product-demo
To set up your default link, go to arrangr.com/scheduling_pages. It will prompt you to set up your default link if you haven't done so already.
Scheduling Page Preferences and Settings
Each scheduling page can be customized to really tailor it to your different meeting types. We'll dive deeper into some of these settings below, but they include adjusting the meeting length, meeting locations or call methods, preferred timing, adding time buffers between meetings, whether to present discrete time slots or an open calendar and more.
Nest Sub-Pages Within Default Page
For each page you create, you have the option of having it appear as a "meeting type" on your default page. Then you can simply send everyone to your default page, and they can select what type of meeting they want to schedule with you.
Interactive Previews
When managing the settings on your scheduling pages, we will offer a live interactive preview of how the relevant part of your scheduling page will look and behave for some of these settings. As you tweak settings, it will be immediately reflected in the interactive preview.
Time Slots vs Full Calendar
You can set your page to show your guest a list of time slots to select from, or you can show them a full calendar, where they can select times anywhere on the calendar. If in "slots" mode, only slots within your "weekly available" hours will be shown, and slots that conflict with existing events on your calendar will not be shown. If in "calendar" mode, we will highlight your "preferred" time ranges, and we will show them when you're busy, but they will be able to suggest times anywhere on the calendar.
Instant Booking
If you have selected "slots" mode, you will also have the option of letting your guest "instantly book" with you. If this is not enabled, then we will let them suggest a few times, and nothing will be "booked" until you confirm a time. If the instant book is enabled, then they will only be able to select a single time, and it will be considered "booked" as soon as they submit it. Instant book is only possible in "slots" mode, not in full calendar mode.
Meeting Length
You can set the meeting length that each page defaults to. If you want, you can lock this length in so that they can't change it, or you can set a minimum and maximum, giving them some flexibility to adjust the length within a range.
Preferred Weekly Timing
You can select time ranges during the week when you prefer to schedule meetings for each of your pages. If your page is in "slots" mode, then only slots during your preferred ranges will be offered. If your page is in full "calendar" mode, then we will let them know the time ranges you prefer, but allow them to suggest other times as well.
Always Busy Times
You can select time ranges during the week when you want to always appear as busy. If in "calendar" mode, we will always show you as being busy during these times, regardless of what is on your calendar.
Time Buffers
You might not want people booking back-to-back meetings with no gap in between. Setting a time buffer can prevent this from happening. For "slots" mode, slots will only be shown if there is enough gap between them and events on your calendar. In "calendar" mode, this buffer will make each of your "busy" events appear to start earlier and end later than its actual start and end times.
How to Meet Restrictions
You can have very precise control over what options your guest is presented with for the meeting location or call method. You can give them free rein to suggest any location or call method, or you can pre-set a single specific location or call method, or anything in between.
Meeting Location(s)
Want to leave the location open for them to pick a place? You can do that. Want to let them pick a place, but suggest some of your go-to's? You can do that too. Or you can set a pre-determined location, or just give them a few limited options to choose from.
Call Method(s)
You can set a single pre-determined call method, or limit them to just a couple of options, or highlight your preferred options, but leave it open for them to suggest something else.
De-Activating Links
Links can be toggled on or off. When "inactive", if someone goes to that link it will revert to your default scheduling page instead. If your default page is inactive, then they will be redirected to the Arrangr home page. Links that are "inactive" can still be accessed if they are listed as a "meeting type" on your default page.