Just following a few simple steps to have Arrangr Running inside of FreshChat 

Before following these steps, you should already have an account with Arrangr, as well as with FreshChat. 

1) Sign in to FreshChat, and go to Settings  --> API Tokens 

2) Generate a token, copy that token, and keep it handy

3) Find the Arrangr app in the "Apps" section, and click "Install"

4) Enter the API Key from the earlier step, then click "Install"

5) Select a conversation in your FreshChat inbox, and refresh the page 

Sometimes the newly installed apps will only show up after refreshing the page 

6) Authorize the Arrangr app, from the panel to the right

On the panel on the right, scroll down until you see a prompt to authorize the app, which should look like the picture below. Clicking "Authorize" should take you to Arrangr, Where you will be prompted to grant FreshChat access to your Arrangr account.  

7) Re-arrange the app panel to make Arrangr handy

Obviously, because the Arrangr app is so awesome, you are going to want it as accessible as possible. 

Click the "Re-arrange" button then drag Arrangr Way up near the top!


NEXT: Upgrade your Integration ->