Arrangr's collaboration with Webex opens up so many possibilities! Let's explore what you can do with the powers of Arrangr and Webex combined.

Automatic Webex Meeting Links

Just select Webex as the call method for your Arrangr meetings, and Arrangr will take care of the rest for you! When the meeting is scheduled, we'll automatically generate a Webex link for the meeting, and will insert it into your calendar. We'll also send out reminder emails before the meeting with the details.

Poll Meeting Participants For a Follow-Up Meeting

With our embedded app, you can pull up Arrangr right inside your Webex meeting, and create a poll to collect everyone's availability for the next meeting. You can even have the poll open up on everyone's screen for them to submit their availability in real-time, without anyone having to leave Webex! Need to invite more people who aren't on the current call? No problem - just share the poll link with them as well and finalize the time later once you've collected everyone's response.

Schedule a Follow-Up 1:1 Meeting While On a Webex Call

Why send the other person your booking link for them to hopefully remember later to schedule a follow-up, when your scheduling/booking page load on their screen in real time! In Arrangr's Webex app, you can view a list of all your scheduling links, and select one to open on their screen, so they can book a time with you all from within the Webex meeting!

Propose Some Times for a 1:1 Follow-Up

Instead of pulling up your whole scheduling page for them, you might want to just hand-select a few times to offer to them. No problem - you can quickly create a customized, flexible 1:1 invite and open it on their screen for them to accept a time.

Set Up a Follow-Up For an Agreed Upon Time

Don't need to poll everyone for the best time, but just want to set it up, share the details and get it on everyone's calendars? No problem - you can create a new group meeting right from in Webex, and open it on everyone's screens for them to RSVP and add it to their calendars. You can even invite people who aren't on the call, who can submit their RSVPs on the web.

Post Invites into Webex Spaces

When you create an invite in Arrangr (whether it's a 1:1 meeting invite, a group scheduling poll, or a scheduled group meeting), you can have Arrangr automatically send the invite into one of your Webex Spaces, with the details neatly formatted and links for them to respond. This can be done whether you're creating the invite in your web browser or from inside Webex.

Real-Time Scheduling In Webex Spaces

All the capabilities described above for Webex meetings can also be done inside your Webex space! You can easily launch Arrangr's embedded app inside a space, to create and share meeting invites. Instead of automatically opening these invites on the other members' screens like inside meetings, Arrangr can add a new tab to the space, which will load your invites when they open the tab. For example, you can create a group scheduling poll, then add the poll as a tab in the space. Other members can then open the tab to take the poll.