All 3 Major Calendars

Whether you use Google calendar, Office/Outlook calendar, or iCloud calendar, or a combination, Arrangr can connect with your calendar(s) to smooth out your scheduling processes.

3 Main Functions

There are essentially 3 ways that Arrangr uses your calendar: to block busy times, to insert events, and to let you view your own schedule as you go about scheduling on Arrangr.

Block busy times

Arrangr will use your calendar(s) to prevent others from scheduling meetings with you that conflict with events already on your calendar

Insert events

Arrangr will automatically insert events into your calendar as soon as they are scheduled via Arrangr

Visualize your own schedule

As you go about selecting or suggesting times for meetings, or responding to times proposed by others, Arrangr will use your calendar(s) to let you easily see what is currently on your schedule

Customize for Your Needs

Arrangr gives you the ability to select different calendars for each of these different functions. For example, you might want to be able to view your spouse's calendar as well as your own, but you might only want to be blocked off as busy when you have conflicts on your own work calendar.

Connect Multiple Calendars

Depending on your Arrangr plan, you can connect up to 7 different calendars to a single Arrangr account. For example, you can link your Office 365 calendar from work, plus your personal Google calendar, and have Arrangr block you off as busy whenever there is a conflict on either calendar.

Tentative Placeholders in your Calendar

Sometimes when you're trying to schedule a meeting, there are several times that have been suggested, but a final time hasn't been locked down yet, and this can be tough to mentally keep track of when trying to schedule other things. When you propose times for a 1:1 meeting, or respond to times in a group meeting poll, Arrangr can automatically put placeholders in your calendar so that you will see these pending potential times in your calendar so you don't forget about them and schedule something else over them. Once your meeting is finalized for a specific time, we will automatically remove the placeholders that were there for the other times which did not end up being chosen.

Different Calendars for Different Scheduling Pages

By default, the calendar settings that you set up in your general Profile & Settings will apply for you across Arrangr. However, if you want to get advanced, for each of your scheduling pages you can select different calendars that you want Arrangr to use to block you as busy, or pick a different calendar for Arrangr to insert events scheduled from that page.